put FilePath("", "Choose a file please.") into fileName
if fileName = empty then exit mouseUp
set cursor to watch
put FileVersion(fileName, "nodialog:errGlobal") into fVersion
if errGlobal Γëá empty then
answer "Error: ΓÇ£" & errGlobal & "ΓÇ¥"
put empty into errGlobal
if fVersion Γëá empty then
answer "The version info for ΓÇ£" & fileName & "ΓÇ¥ is:" & return & return & fVersion
answer "No version info for ΓÇ£" & fileName & "ΓÇ¥."
end if
end if
end mouseUp
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FileVersion - An XFCN to return the version string of a specified file
FileVersion(pathname, <"noDialog:errorGlobal">)
This XFCN will return the version string from the specified file. This is the string you see when selecting "Get Info" from the Finder's File menu. Nothing is returned if there is no version information.